Monday, June 3, 2013

Final Data and Pitctures!

According to the Bernoulli equation along with other basic torque and angular velocity calculations, the maximum angular velocity of the propeller (ωmax) is directly proportional to the number of blades (n), the pitch angle (θ), and the linear velocity of the water, which in this case would be the velocity of the boat (Vboat), and inversely proportional to the diameter of the propeller (d).
Omega max=0.395*V boat

Once the generator was fully assembled it was taken to the largest body of water available which was a bathtub and then kiddie pool. The generator was hooked up to a voltmeter and was pushed and pulled through the short distance in the water. While doing this, the generator was barely able to produce 2 volts since there wasn’t enough room to move the generator fast enough and get it to produce an adequate amount of power consistently.

From minor testing of the motor, we determined an equation of best fit for the voltage output as a function of how fast the drive shaft will be spinning.
Volts = 2.81*ln(w out)-2.17
But this equation was not exactly a perfect description and we got Volts =2.81*ln(V boat)-3.97.


Our Frist, broken, propeller


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Week 9

This week was crucial crunch time. With a new unbroken, thicker, turbine and the final pieces printed from the 3D printer, the project is completely assembled. Lots of time was spent in the machine shop working with the parts to get them working together.

When in our testing we had to get creative in order to get moving water or move through water. There was a running hose at the kiddie pool and we used people kicking in the water to create somewhat of a current. 


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Week 8

This week the new models for the turbine blades were sumitted and the whole machine was finalized. The group member reviews were submitted this week. More research was done to learn that copper may be one of the best materials for to use to an actual water turbine because it does not errode and resists sealife growth.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Week 7

After snapping off the blades on our motor we tested it with a slow drummel and a drill. We discovered that the motor produced 2.5 volts with the slow drummel. It was equivalent to spinning the blades fast by hand. Then when the drill was attached to spin it there were 6.2 volts produced.
We got our turbine from the printer. it looks very cool but is very thin and is very likely to break. We are going to make a few more with different thinkness and sizes to test.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


This week was long and long and long. We need to finish research and talk about CFD. Why does it have 5 blades and why their specific angles? We talked about /considered having multiple turbine blades and vary their angles. We need to finally send things to the 3D printer to have them for our report. Because we do not have the moeny or resouces to work with the better materials we are making out of the 3D printer and researching and talking about what should be actually used for optimum results. We have a 'worm' ear to tranfer the roation vertically for our design and learned that it produces 2-4 volts from the gnereator when turned by a person and their finger. Next week we are testing the voltameter by spinnign it with a drummel.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 5


SO we learned a lot today. After playing with our generator and attaching it to the oscilloscope we discovered it works. Which is great news. But in order to get a decent charge from it the wheel much be turning counter clockwise and at a pretty good speed. For example the speed at which your finger spins it rather than flicking it. Once again the design confused some people and was fought over somemore. The materials are here. This week we will have a paritally built prototype and material research.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 4!

For some reason this week we were still deliberating on what we were building exactly. But that was soon resolved. After making a todo list for class and the week business was getting done. The model was agreed on and an generator was purchased. Hopefully that will be in for next week. Thursday we are meeting up to go buy supplies.
Our idea is something that hanges off the back of a boat to catch the water current to turn the turbine. When the turbine turns it will charge a generator attached to the framing but sits out of the water. Our frame so far is going to be made from Pvc pipe and all other materials are going to be researched in the week.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 3

Week 3
We are still debating on putting the turbine partially submerged or comlpetely. Also we had a revelation! As it turns out the group was thinking of two different types of turbines and therfore confusing eachother when talking about how to get it to work. Jayme and Mary's idea was: 

Dom, Jonathan, and Greg's idea was:

After getting on the same page the next debate was how to power our turbine or get power from it. Simply what motor/generator is going to be used to get power from the turbine to the battery. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Week 2

Week 2
This week was research, deilberating, and feedback. Today research was done to decide between which kinda of turbine to use and whether or not to have the peice completly submerged in water or not. It was decided on having the turbine charge a battery on board on a boat and to use a small stepper motor in the turbine.
Our beautiful art while deliberating. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 1

With lots of deliberation on possible projects ranging from solar powered to BOATS the group decided to work with water power.